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Get Paid To Advertise
With Your Vehicle Strategy

The "get paid to advertise with your vehicle" concept is an aged old marketing technique that companies have been successfully using for years.  Companies use this marketing technique to get more exposure for their business.  We see it all the time.  Real estate agents use it, plumbing companies use it, electric companies use it, cleaning services use it.  We've even seen dealerships put advertisements on their loaner vehicles.  They have a simple ad on their vehicle promoting their business or service to the public.  When someone sees their ad and uses their services, they get paid.  

Using that same marketing technique we put together a simple marketing strategy to get more exposure to our ONLINE business using our vehicle.  Why would we do that you ask?  We are looking for people who are OPEN to a simple way to making money online with an OFFLINE marketing technique.  We are talking like $500, $5k or even $10k per month passively by starting their own ONLINE business and driving around town with a simple ad on your vehicle to promote it?   Are you open to receiving more info?  If you are NOT, you can stop reading so you can get back to your social media.  If you are open to more info....keep reading.

Welcome to the ULTIMATE "get paid to advertise with your vehicle" strategy!


We have found a way to merge an incredible ONLINE business opportunity to a traditional OFFLINE marketing technique to make a match made in Heaven.

With our vehicle marketing strategy, you will have people CHASING you down for more information about your ONLINE business opportunity instead of you chasing them down.  Our method takes the ANXIETY away of having to talk to people about your business opportunity.  With our method, you can finally take advantage of having an ONLINE business opportunity WITHOUT the FEAR of trying to convince people to see your opportunity.


Let's take a closer look at our strategy.

How Our Strategy Works

It goes like this.

Step 1: Enroll in our home based business opportunity a member.

Step 2: Place an ad on your rear window or side doors or both with a QR code linked to the home based business .


Step 3: Drive as you normally do.  For those who are curious or interested will scan the QR code on your ad.  The QR code will take them to your lead capture page.  If they are really interested, they will enter their email address to get more information on the system.  The system will then send the information automatically to the email address they entered.  The system will also follow-up with those prospects by sending a series of emails to them over time.

Step 4:  Send your prospects a personal email thanking them for checking out the system with a link back to the main sales page for the system which will help them see the earning potential of the program and give them a blueprint to start quickly.

Easy steps right?  

How Do You Get Paid?

The process is simple.  First, you need to purchase a membership with the recommended home based business opportunity below.  It will be like getting a membership from Costco or Sam's Club.  We will discuss how much later, but if you can afford $0.33 a day, you won't have a problem. When you become a member you will receive an referral link.  As you REFER people to the home base business and they become members, you get PAID.  You will continue to get paid month after month as long as the people you referred to the business continue to pay.


This is an opportunity where you have the POTENTIAL to earn a SIGNIFICANT monthly income by referring people to the company below as an affiliate, not an employee of the company.   Your income is NOT guaranteed.  It is based upon your individual effort.  That is why we put together this "get paid to advertise with your vehicle" strategy, to help us all become more successful with our EFFORTS.  And how much EFFORT does it take to place an ad on your vehicle and drive as you normally do?  Are you starting to see how this strategy can change your financial future?  Now let's talk about our #1 recommended home based business opportunity.  It is called LiveGood.


The LiveGood mission is simple. To help people get healthy, and stay healthy without having to spend a fortune to do it.  This is the company you will be referring people to if you decide to become a member.  Watch the following video to learn more about LiveGood.

Earning Potential

The LiveGood compensation model utilizes a (2x15) forced matrix. The first level of the matrix can only hold two members meaning there can only be 2 frontline members beneath you. The levels grow down 15 levels deep and double in width with each generation. It is possible to get spillover from aggressive marketers that can sponsor hundreds or even thousands of people.  Now imagine how this fit's in with advertise with your vehicle strategy.  Imagine referring 1, 2, 5, or even 20 members and those members referring 1, 2, 5 or even 20 just by placing a simple ad on their vehicle.

Level 1 – 2 members

Level 2 – 4 members

Level 3 – 8 members

Level 4 – 16 members

Level 5 – 32 members

Level 6 – 64 members

Level 7 – 128 members

Level 8 – 256 members

Level 9 – 512 members

Level 10 – 1,024 members

Level 11 – 2,048 members

Level 12 – 4,096 members

Level 13 - 8,192 members

Level 14 - 16,384 members

Level 15 - 32,768 members

Look at the chart above.  If you referred 2 members and those 2 members referred 2 and this happened over the course of 15 months, you could possibly have a full matrix earning you $2,047.50 per month in a little over a years time.  This DOUBLES if you enroll just one member.  We have not even looked at the matching bonuses.  These numbers will blow your socks off so hold


Let's say you have 10 personally enrolled people who are each earning $6,000 per month in their matrix, you will match 50% of what they earn in their matrix. That means you will earn a $3,000 matching bonus on each of them every month, for a total of $30,000 (10 people x $3,000 each) in commissions just on those 10 people alone. And that doesn’t include what you will earn in YOUR matrix, PLUS potentially hundreds or thousands of other people you could be matching in our other generations!

Now imagine enrolling 10 members simply by placing a small ad on your vehicle and driving as you normally do.  Don't be that person who says "I should have done that" when you start seeing a ton a vehicles using our suggested ad promoting the LiveGood opportunity floating around town.

How Much Does It
Cost To Get Started?

As of right now, to become a member of LiveGood it cost $40 one time out of pocket affiliate fee and $9.99 per month.  This is less than $0.33 per day.  If you can't afford 0.33 a day.....let me

Other costs you will incur will be from the purchase of your signs for your vehicle. The cost for this can vary from company to company.  We used Vistaprint to get our signs.  The cost for 2 magnetic signs and 2 perforated window decals came to $167.  This was a one time out of pocket cost.

If you think that is a lot of money to start a home base business that has a six figure a year earning potential or more, try starting a McDonalds franchise.  Google how much that cost to start!

Ready To Make Your
Dream Come True?
Let's Get Started

Step 1: Start by getting your membership with LiveGood.  When you entered your email into the form of the webpage to request more information, you should have received an asking you verify you are a real person.  It has the following subject line:


[Action Needed] Please Verify Your Email

If did not enter a REAL email or VERIFIED your email, you would have not received the information to enroll with LiveGood.  Go back to website that was linked to the QR code you scanned or the website that sent you here and enter a GOOD email and verify your email.  The information on how to enroll with LiveGood will be sent to you.


If you can't that website, Click here.

Step 2: Set-up your Easy Commission funnel marketing system to promote LiveGood.  There are self paced videos to assist with the set-up.

Step 3: After setting up your Easy Commission funnel, save your lead capture page to your computer because you need it for the next step.  Your Easy Commission lead capture page should look like this page here after you complete it.

Step 4: After setting up your Easy Commission funnel, set-up your vehicle ad with a QR code.  You can do Google search on "Vinyl Lettering for cars." A ton of companies will come up.  Pick one you are comfortable ordering from.    We used to order our rear window decal and magnetic signs for our vehicle because it was simple to use.  If you do order from Vistaprint, to find the car magnets do a search within Vistaprint’s website for “custom car magnets" and for the rear window decal, do a search for “car window decals.” You can also get your rear window signage done by a local professional sign shop if all else fails.  A good place to put your ad on your vehicle will be the rear window or the side doors or both.

Use the following ad as a template for what your ad should look like, but you can create the magnetic sign anyway you choose to. Be creative.

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 12.10.26 AM.png

Step 5:  If you use Vistaprint to create your ad, Vistaprint has a QR code generator.  As you create your QR code, the QR code generator will ask you what website to attach the QR code to.  Attach your lead capture page you created with the Easy Commission Funnel to the QR code. Watch the video in step 4 to see how this is done.  A domain name is also an option you can add to your ad.  Just remember to link the lead capture page to the domain name if you use one on your ad.

Step 6:  After placing your ad on your vehicle, drive as you normally would drive.  Those who are interested will scan your QR code for more information.  You will see who verified their email address or not in the back office of the marketing system platform we are using called Leadsleap.  The Leadsleap system will automatically start sending all of your verified prospects emails if you set-up marketing system correctly.  We suggest to send them a personal welcome email from your personal email address as well (example below).  In this email, send them to THIS webpage so your prospects will get a general idea what the LiveGood opportunity is about and have a strategy they use immediately.

The following is an example of an email you can use.

Subject: Thank You For Your Interest In The LiveGood Opportunity

Thank you for requesting more information about our online opportunity.

You should have received and email with the subject line: 

[Action Needed] Please Verify Your Email  


Did you get the chance to verify your email because I cannot send you the information about the opportunity unless you verify your email.  You can always UNSUBSCRIBE from our email list with one click when you are ready to unsubscribe.

We've got an amazing opportunity and it's so easy to do that you'll wish you'd known about it sooner.


Here is a little bit about the opportunity:

- This opportunity is on a mission to get people healthy, stay healthy, without spending a spending a fortune

- Unlimited Earning Potential

- Low start up cost 


Our team has a unique OFFLINE marketing strategy using our vehicle and a little ad that does all the selling and telling for us to get qualified prospects. Click here to see a how it can work for you.

Go here to enter a good email address to get the full details of the opportunity =>> YOUR EASY COMMISSION LEAD CAPTURE PAGE HERE


 Addicted to your success,




Do you think you can handle those instructions?  Do YOU have questions yourself?  Let's make your dream come true.

Make Your Dream Come True!

The speaker (Myron Golden) in the video has no affiliation or association
with PLS or the independent affiliates of PLS.

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