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How To Share

We have a few ways of sharing this wonderful opportunity to others for those who want to.  We are doing this because from our own experience, it's hard NOT to share after you have successfully started earning rewards for yourself.  In addition to this, the free marketing system offers additional training on ways to market or share this program with others.  We have listed our top 3 sharing strategies/funnels with you below.  All of those strategies are using Udimi as the primary lead source. 


iDecide is an interactive presentation website for D.AI.SY.  iDecide puts the viewer in the driver’s seat, letting them choose what they want to see, and letting them move on to the next step in the sales process when they are ready.  Click here to see an example.  Click here to learn more about iDecide for D.AI.SY and see the special pricing for D.AI.SY members.

It's really easy to share the D.AI.SY opportunity using iDecide.  Follow these simple steps:


Step 1: Get your D.AI.SY referral link.


Step 2: Place your D.AI.SY referral link in the back office of the iDecide website for D.AI.SY.


Step 3: Follow the steps to get a link from iDecide so you can post it on the internet.


Step 4: Use one of our lead sources to advertise your iDecide link. Click here to see our primary lead source, Udimi.


Step 5: When the new contacts (leads) come into your back office of iDecide, send your new contacts a text or email to follow-up with them and a link back to your iDecide D.AI.SY presentation or your DAISY fast start strategy guide if you have one.


As you can see this strategy webpage was made with Wix.  You can get an EXACT copy of this website with YOUR referral links in it.  Do the following to request your copy of this webpage.

- Register for a free account with if you don't already have one.


Send an email to the creator of the fast start guide.  Send it to FROM the email you registered with Wix with the subject line "D.AI.SY Fast Start Strategy Wix Webpage."


In the body of the email include the following:


- Full name and email address you want on the webpage (if any) 

- D.AI.SY referral link

- Free List building system referral link

- Your iDecide link (optional)

- Udimi referral link (optional)


We will format and include those links into your Wix strategy website for you. Please allow at least 48 hours for us to do this for you. 


If you are computer literate, you can also just request the template of this website from us and we can send it faster to you.  Then all you have to do is change the links and customize the webpage like you want it.  This is totally up to you. Just indicate that in the email.

Free Marketing Funnel

One the other ways we spread the word to the world about our opportunities is through a free list building service offered by Power Lead System.  This free system has 2 lead capture pages, an email autoresponder system with pre-written follow-up emails, a contact management system and training.  When someone enters their email into the lead capture page of the system, they automatically receive the free list building system.  When the new contact logs into the system, they will see your opportunity in the back office.  In addition to that, the link to your opportunity is infused into the pre-written follow-up emails that will also promote your opportunity. This system is totally free and can be used with any opportunity. 


Another powerful benefit of this system is this, it generates immediate CASH FLOW. Let me explain.  When you first log into your system it will ask you to pay a ONE-TIME upgrade of $7.  Why?  As a free member of the system, you will only receive every other lead that enters the system.   The other lead is passed UP to the person who gave you the system.  When you pay the one-time upgrade, you get to keep ALL the leads.  Not only do you keep all the leads, for every person that upgrades, you get to keep a $6 commission.


This may not look like a lot of money in the beginning, but as you scale your business, this could turn into to some significant CASH FLOW that you can put toward your marketing budget.  

Here are two (2) short videos on how the free list building system works.

How To Use Free Marketing Funnel With The D.AI.SY Fast Start Strategy Guide

Through Wix

It's really easy to share the D.AI.SY opportunity with others.  All you have to do is 3 simples steps: 


Step 1: get the D.AI.SY fast start strategy guide with your affiliate links imbedded into the guide.


Step 2: place your strategy guide link in the back office of the free list building system.


Step 3: Share your free list building across the internet using our proven lead sources.  That's it.  It's easy as 1, 2, 3.

Here are the instructions in detail.

Step 1: Get Your D.AI.SY Fast Start Strategy Guide. 


You can get an EXACT copy of this website with YOUR referral links in it.  Do the following to request your copy of this webpage.

- Register for a free account with if you don't already have one.


Send an email to the creator of the fast start guide.  Send it to FROM the email you registered with Wix with the subject line "D.AI.SY Fast Start Strategy Wix Webpage."


In the body of the email include the following:


- Full name and email address you want on the webpage (if any) 

- D.AI.SY referral link

- Free List building system referral link

- Your iDecide link (optional)

- Udimi referral link (optional)


We will format and include those links into your Wix strategy website for you. Please allow at least 48 hours for us to do this for you. 


If you are computer literate, you can also just request the template of this website from us and we can send it faster to you.  Then all you have to do is change the links and customize the webpage like you want it.  This is totally up to you. Just indicate that in the email.

Step 2: place your strategy guide link in the back office of the free list building system.


In order to do this, log into the back office of your free listing system and click on the "how to get started button."  This will give you steps to insert your D.AI.SY fast start strategy guide link into the free list building system.  Click here to log in.

Step 3: Share your free list building across the internet using our proven lead source.


After placing your Wix fast start strategy guide link in the free list building system, find your personal referral link and save it to your computer.  This is the link to your lead capture page for the free list building system. It will look like the following:

FLS link.PNG

Next, take your personal link and use it with one of our preferred lead sources.  Click here to see our list of preferred lead sources.

How To Use As

A Marketing Funnel To

Share D.AI.SY

To use this Fast Start Strategy guide as a marketing funnel to share your D.AI.SY experience, you will need the following:


- a lead capture page created by Wix to capture your emails of your new prospects

- the Fast Start Strategy Guide

- A Wix feature called "automations" which automatically follow-up with your leads.

- and a way to store your new contacts so you can follow-up your leads at a later date.

Here are the instructions in detail.

Step 1: Get Your D.AI.SY Fast Start Strategy Guide AND Lead Capture Page. 


As you can see this strategy webpage was made with Wix. You can get an EXACT copy of this website with YOUR referral links in it.  Do the following to request your copy of this webpage.

- Register for a free account with if you don't already have one.


Send an email to the creator of the fast start guide.  Send it to FROM the email you registered with Wix with the subject line "D.AI.SY Fast Start Strategy Wix Webpage."


In the body of the email include the following:


- Full name and email address you want on the webpage (if any) 

- D.AI.SY referral link

- Free List building system referral link

- Your iDecide link (optional)

- Udimi referral link (optional)


We will format and include those links into your Wix strategy website for you. Please allow at least 48 hours for us to do this for you. 


If you are computer literate, you can also just request the template of this website from us and we can send it faster to you.  Then all you have to do is change the links and customize the webpage like you want it.  This is totally up to you. Just indicate that in the email.

Step 2: Configure your lead capture page to send your leads directly to your Fast Start Strategy page after they submitted their email address.


From your Wix backoffice, click on the "edit site" tab for your lead capture page. 


Next, hover your mouse near the name box then left click to bring up Wix Forms.


Next, left click on "Form Settings", then the "Submit Message" tab will appear.  Click on Submit Message.


Click the circle to "Link to external URL" and enter your Wix Fast Start Strategy link in the box.  You are all set.  Let's move on.

Step 3: Configure your lead capture page to send 2 follow-up emails through the automations feature in Wix.


From your Wix backoffice, click on the "edit site" tab for your lead capture page. 


Hover your mouse near the name box then left click to bring up Wix Forms again.


Next, left click on "Form Settings", then the "Automations" tab will appear.  Click on Automations.


Click on "New Automations" tab. 


Choose Wix Forms.


Choose send email to contacts.


From here, follow the instructions from Wix to complete your follow-up emails.  Wix gives you only 2 "Automations" (follow-up emails) for free.  If you want more, you will need to pay. Write 2 emails messages that you would like your leads to hear about the platform.  Always include a link BACK to your Fast-Start Strategy page. I would recommend to send a direct email from your personal email account as well. This helps build trust and your new contact knows that is a real person and they are not getting spammed.


For an even more detail explanation on how to setup the automation feature, go to the help tab in Wix.  Their help section is really good.

Step 4: Share your Wix built lead capture page using Udimi.


At this point you are ready to share your lead capture page.  Copy your lead capture link from Wix and follow the instructions from Udimi to find a vendor.  Continue to advertise until you received your desired results. Click here to see how to connect with Udimi.


Remember my goal?  My goal is to share and help as many people as possible.  Will you be one of them?  I hope so.


Be blessed and look forward to working with you if you choose to move forward with this opportunity.

I look forward to working with you!

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Kwame A. Mayes

Cell: 301.452.8789

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INCOME DISCLAIMER: Any earnings portrayed in any website or marketing materials are not necessarily representative of the income that an individual Affiliate can or will earn through his or her participation in any Compensation Plan. All references to income are for illustrative purposes only. Your level of income will be determined by your effort, participation and dedication in building your own business. These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits.

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